Puzzled by® Legionella Resources

Puzzled by® Legionella Webinars
By The Legionella Experts®
The Puzzled by® Legionella Wednesday webinar series has been discontinued. However, you can view archived recordings that include presentations from Dr. Janet Stout and guest speakers from all aspects of water management focusing on Legionella other waterborne pathogens!

The Ultimate Legionella Resource and Study Guide
Written by The Legionella Experts®
Puzzled by® Legionella is ideal for professionals preparing for the ASSE 12080 exam, instructors, and students. This guide is accessible and practical, filled with tips, myth-facts, and practice quizzes.
Officially Recognized by ASSE
Provides Foundational Knowledge to Understand and Control Legionella
By visiting PuzzledbyLegionella.com