PUZZLED BY POTABLE WATER BIOFILMS AS A RESERVOIR OF OPPORTUNISTIC PATHOGENS? Wednesday, April 12 @ Noon EDT Potable water is a major source of opportunistic pathogens that cause a variety of life-threatening infections in immunocompromised people, with a yearly US economic burden of $2.4 billion...
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Puzzled by Project LegEnd? A Volunteer Program to End Legionella in New York State Healthcare Facilities
PUZZLED BY PROJECT LEGEND? A VOLUNTEER PROGRAM TO END LEGIONELLA IN NEW YORK STATE HEALTHCARE FACILITIES Wednesday, March 29 @ Noon EDT Project LegEnd is a volunteer sampling program set up by NYSDOH aimed at Ending Legionella in NYS healthcare facilities. With support from CDC, facilities receive...
Puzzled by Legionella Legislation?
PUZZLED BY LEGIONELLA LEGISLATION? Wednesday, March 15 @ Noon EDT Learn about Legionella legislation across the country. This presentation will include legislation currently being considered in various states as well as past legislation that has been considered but not passed. The speaker will...