PUZZLED BY POTABLE WATER BIOFILMS AS A RESERVOIR OF OPPORTUNISTIC PATHOGENS? Wednesday, April 12 @ Noon EDT Potable water is a major source of opportunistic pathogens that cause a variety of life-threatening infections in immunocompromised people, with a yearly US economic burden of $2.4 billion...
legionnaires disease
Puzzled by Project LegEnd? A Volunteer Program to End Legionella in New York State Healthcare Facilities
PUZZLED BY PROJECT LEGEND? A VOLUNTEER PROGRAM TO END LEGIONELLA IN NEW YORK STATE HEALTHCARE FACILITIES Wednesday, March 29 @ Noon EDT Project LegEnd is a volunteer sampling program set up by NYSDOH aimed at Ending Legionella in NYS healthcare facilities. With support from CDC, facilities receive...
Puzzled by Legionella Legislation?
PUZZLED BY LEGIONELLA LEGISLATION? Wednesday, March 15 @ Noon EDT Learn about Legionella legislation across the country. This presentation will include legislation currently being considered in various states as well as past legislation that has been considered but not passed. The speaker will...
Puzzled by the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Legionella Water Management Programs?
PUZZLED BY THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY OF LEGIONELLA WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS? Wednesday, February 15 @ Noon EDT Is your water safety and management plan (WSMP) compliant? Learn about the necessary elements of WSMPs and identify common mistakes encountered in the field. Review examples of poor...
Puzzled by New IAPMO/AWWA Guidance on Closing and Reopening Buildings?
PUZZLED BY NEW IAPMO/AWWA GUIDANCE ON CLOSING AND REOPENING BUILDINGS? Wednesday, February 1 @ Noon EDT As the world continues to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be countless studies that will consider where proactive efforts could have reduced the health and safety and the economic...
Puzzled by Legionella in Drinking Water Distribution? Lessons Learned from the AWWA WQT Conference
PUZZLED BY LEGIONELLA IN DRINKING WATER DISTRIBUTION? LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE AWWA WQT CONFERENCE Wednesday, January 4 @ Noon EDT PRESENTER Dr. Janet E. Stout Executive Vice President and Founder Special Pathogens Laboratory [button...
Puzzled by Managing Legionella in Evaporative Cooling Water Systems in Industrial and Manufacturing Sites? December 7, 2022
PUZZLED BY MANAGING LEGIONELLA IN EVAPORATIVE COOLING WATER SYSTEMS IN INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTURING SITES? Wednesday, December 7 @ Noon EDT Do you have evaporative cooling water systems in your facility that cool process water? Do you provide water treatment chemicals and monitoring services for...
Puzzled by Legionella and CMS? November 9, 2022
PUZZLED BY LEGIONELLA AND CMS? Wednesday, November 9 @ Noon EDT In this webinar you will learn more about what CMS expectations for Medicare-certified healthcare facilities regarding water management programs. Review regulations, survey types, processes, deficiency statements, and expectations for...
Puzzled by Evaporative Air-Cooling Devices? October 26, 2022
PUZZLED BY EVAPORATIVE AIR-COOLING DEVICES? Wednesday, October 26 @ Noon EDT Evaporative air-cooling devices cool and humidify air by evaporating water into the air. For processes that use a large quantity of unrecirculated air, evaporative cooling is a simple, safe, and cost-effective method for...
Puzzled by Legionella and UV? October 12, 2022
PUZZLED BY LEGIONELLA AND UV? Wednesday, October 12 @ Noon EDT This webinar will discuss the inactivation of various clinical and environmental L. pneumophila serogroups using a UV-C LED collimated beam and a point-of-entry (POE), flow-through device. Results indicate that although UV-C LED...